Introduction to English composition
Introduction to English composition- 1
Meaning of Composition : A composition is a piece of art or an organization of thoughts, observations and ideas. Teaching composition is an art in itself. In order that the student can write good essays, it is necessary that the students should read , read and read. Reading should include all types of books like fiction, nonfiction, travel, history etc.
Teaching English composition involves making the student understand the importance of observation. As all knowledge does not lie hidden in the pages of a book. The students should be encouraged to observe nature, things, people, hills, mountains, valleys, flowers, birds and the bees. There is no dearth of the things one can observe. Then the main process of teaching composition is that, the student should pen down his/her observations, feelings and emotions and then organize the same, in order to write an exquisite composition.
In the process of teaching English composition, when the student reads and observes he realizes that his mind is flooded with thoughts and ideas. The mind is enriched and writing becomes a natural phenomenon.
In English composition, the student when given a topic , should first start penning down his thoughts , views , observations ,facts , and other details. Then he/she should organize these thoughts in such a manner that one gets a brief idea about the topic in the introduction paragraph. In the second paragraph the student writes down his thoughts in detail , giving a thorough insight into the topic. In teaching composition when the topic requires special information like for instance it is a historical topic, then the student should read for facts and details about it. He/she should give description about the country, the political scenario at that time and other details.
- Conclusion
In English composition, the final concluding paragraph is of prime importance. This should be written in such a manner that it reaches the climax subtly , having provided sufficient data and substantiation.
A composition is written by students of every language, describing, narrating or stating facts, figures, persons and the like. The beginner is given a guided composition to help frame thoughts and ideas to arrange them systematically. The middle grader is initiated into guided composition to help them to frame larger sentences with the smaller sentences given. A higher grade student is provided with unguided composition to enable the writer to formulate their own thoughts and reproduce them into intelligible sentences.
To enable the early writer into writing composition, jumbled sentences are given to be organized. Hints are given at a later stage. Further, only the topic is given. The composition could be a letter, a notice, a message, a pamphlet, a telegram, an email, a story , an essay, or a précis.
Message or Note
This is a short letter. Since it is usually informal and written in a hurry, the complete format of a letter is not followed. Only the bare essentials are written without any formal salutation or ending, introduction or conclusion. One can say that only the body of the letter is written in minimum number of words.
A well written message must inform its reader
- Who called?
- What the caller called for.
- Whom to contact.
- Who did the caller call for?
- Where to meet or wait.
- When to meet or come or expect.
- What to bring.
Format for writing messages
- Draw a box
- Write the word MESSAGE on the top
- Mention date and time of writing the message.
- Salutation (to whom the message is addressed to).
- Mention the contents of the message in not more than 50 words.
- Name or signature of the person writing the message.
Date Time
Salutation Content
1) Who called
2) Purpose of calling
3) Instructions give
Writer's name or signature |
Read the telephone conversation below, and write a message to be left at Renu's desk, telling her what the caller wanted to convey to her, in about 50 words.
Vikas: Hello! Is it 564293? Could I speak to Renu? Renu Prakash who works in the sales section?
Receptionist: I'm sorry, Miss Renu Prakash has not come in yet.
Vikas: I am her brother, Vikas calling from Bhopal. Could you tell her that her mother is serious and has been admitted to a hospital?
Receptionist: I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything else you want me to convey to her?
Vikas: Yes, please tell her that she should catch the evening flight and that I'll pick her up from the airport.
Receptionist: I'll certainly do that. I'll leave a message for her now as I am going out later. I'll personally make arrangements for her to catch the evening flight to Bhopal. Please don't worry.
Vikas: Thank you very much. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Model Answer
Date Time
Dear Renu, Your brother Vikas had called. He said that your mother is serious and has been admitted to a hospital. So you should catch the evening flight to Bhopal and he will pick you up from the airport. I have already made arrangements for your travel.
Reena |
Some Tips to Write a Message or Note
- Use the rough workspace to plan out your message or note. Remember it has to be written within the stipulated word limit.
- First note down all the important details that need to be included.
- Then write out the note. Count the number of words. If it exceeds the word limit, cut it down by using different words, changing the structure of the sentence or leaving out a detail that is comparatively less important. If less, make sure you have not left out any important detail. Through trial and error bring it upto the word limit.
- Remember there is no need for any introductory, or concluding line, just convey the core message. You should be able to cull it out from the vast matter given.
- Finally write out the fair draft.
Now work out these exercises on your own
Ajay: Hello! Could I speak to Kiran?
Kiran: Speaking.
Ajay: This is Ajay here.
Kiran: What's up Ajay?
Ajay: It's my birthday tomorrow. I am having a party at 6.30 p.m.
Kiran: That seems fun. Where? At home, isn't it?
Ajay: Yes, where else? My mother has promised, we could have the first floor to ourselves.
Kiran: I'll certainly be there.
Ajay: Do me another favour. I have been trying to call Raj all morning, but I just cannot get him. His phone must be out of order. Will you please invite him for me?
Kiran: Sure, I'll do that immediately.
Ajay: Thanks a lot! Both of you make sure you are here at 6.30 p.m. sharp.
After this telephone conversation with Ajay, Kiran goes to Raj's house next door. But he is not at home. So, Kiran leaves him a note. Write this note for Kiran in about 50 words.
Date Time
Dear Raj, Ajay tried to call you but couldn't get you. He is hosting a birthday party tomorrow in his house at 6.30 p.m. He told me to invite you on his behalf. Let's go together. Call me.
Kiran |
This is a brief informal letter. Due to paucity of space, the introductions and conclusions are kept to a minimum, generally a sentence or two. Stress is laid on the body of the letter, and that is also generally written in a single paragraph. The address of the person writing the postcard is not written elaborately. Only the place is mentioned. The postcard is written within 100 words, as there is a space constraint. So, all that you want to convey must be done in a concise, interesting manner.
You have gone on a holiday to an island. This is the first time you are seeing and experiencing the ambience created by the ocean, the beaches, water sports and the quiet solitude of a secluded place. You are enjoying it immensely. You write a postcard to your friend Dhananjay describing it. Write this postcard in about 50 words.
Model Answer
The idea of writing a notice is to draw attention to something or some event that would take place. All the required information must be given in a simple, concise, attractive manner so that people notice it.
A notice conveys information in a comprehensive manner. It is usually an advance information about
- A happening
- General instructions
- An event.
- A function.
- An inauguration.
- A program.
It could also be
- A notice for Lost or Found.
- Public notices regarding.
A well written notice shows a students skill of organization and presentation of matter as well as language accuracy.
- Format of a well written notice.
- A box to be drawn.
- Name of the institution or organization.
- The work NOTICE.
- Date of issue.
- Relevant content - should answer questions like What, When, Where, For Whom.
- Name and designation of issuing authority.
- Important - content should not be more than 50 words.
Here is an example.
You are Seetha Prakash, the Editor of your school magazine. You want to hold an interclass competition to collect poems and short stories for the school magazine before the end of August. Your theme this year is 'Children'. Draft a notice for the student's notice board inviting entries, in not more than 50 words.
Name of the School
NOTICE Date of Issue
HEADING Content:
Other relevant information Issued by
Designation |
Some Tips to Write a Notice
Use the rough work space to plan out your notice. Remember it has to be written within the stipulated word limit.
- First make a note of all the important details that have to be included in the notice
- Then write out the notice. Count the words. If it exceeds 50 words, find ways to cut it without forsaking the important details. If less, make sure you have not left out anything important. Through trial and error bring it to the word limit
- Improve upon it till you are satisfied that it is an attractive notice that no one will fail to notice
- Finally make sure your notice has
- An attractive, suitable heading
- The signature and designation of the person writing the notice
- The date of issue
- Other relevant details pertaining to that particular notice like
time, date, venue, who can participate, what it is about, etc.
- Finally write out the fair draft
Now, work out these exercises on your own.
You are Vinay Srinivasan, the Secretary of the Cultural Society of your school. Your school has been asked to present a program on the All India Radio on the popular show 'Children's World'. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board inviting interested students for an audition on 10th May at 9.30 a.m. in the school Auditorium. Ask them to prepare a variety of items on the theme 'Adventure'. The selection would be made by the famous radio presenter, Sheila Ramesh.
2 May 2007
Auditions for Radio Show
Our school will be presenting the popular radio show "Children's World".
Talented students willing to conjure up original items on the theme "Adventure" can appear for auditions by the famous radio presenter Sheila Ramesh.
Date: 10th May 2007
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Venue: School Auditorium
For further details contact the undersigned
Vinay Srinivasan
Cultural secretary |
Posters and Pamphlets
These are created to draw attention to something important or create awareness about various social issues. So, they have to be catchy, brief (verbosity has to be avoided at any cost), precise and in simple language. People should be able to read it easily, understand the message clearly and be motivated to act upon it.
Example - 1
You hear your grandparents talk about how beautiful your city used to be with lakes and gardens. But now a number of lakes have been filled in to create space for housing colonies, bus stands etc. Also this is having a deleterious effect on the weather, rainfall and health of the city. You have already formed a society called 'Children for a Cleaner City'. Through it you send out pamphlets calling on people to save the remaining lakes in the city. Complete this pamphlet in about 75 words.
Children for a cleaner city calls on you to
Why should you do this?
The lakes in and around your city are very important to you.
They help to: - Keep temperature low
- Increase rainfall in the area
- Keep the water table high
- Retain some open space in congested alleys
- Beautify the city
- Provide a place for evening outing
How can u do this?
Form a Resident's society to: - Ensure that the lake is not polluted
- Supervise its regular cleaning
- Be alert and resist any moves to fill it up
- Spread awareness about the need for lakes
Example - 2
You are Inspector Uday Singh. You are on a trail of a notorious criminal. To aid you in catching him you put out a 'Wanted' poster all over the state. The picture of the criminal has been provided to you. Now complete the poster with a suitable description in about 50 words.
Model Answer:
Last seen in market area. Wheatish complexion, chubby rectangular face. Dense black moustache and hair. Big black eyes with bushy eyes brows, wide snub nose, thick lips. Suitable reward will be given for information leading to his capture. This man appears innocent but is dangerous- approach with caution.Contact Name: Phone No: |
A speech is an address to an audience attempting to convince them about a point of view. It uses formal English language.
- Read the topic carefully and underline the key points.
- Do adequate rough work.
- a) Write down key points on which you will elaborate.
b) Analyze the given verbal stimulus / visual stimulus.
c) Make a note of some catchy phrases that come to mind.
d) Group points together to make paragraphs.
- You are marked for style and fluency. You lose marks for grammatical errors.
- You must remember that you are talking to an audience. Use a language of communication.
- Start with a pleasantry such as Good Morning!
- Write in at least 3 to 4 paragraphs.
- End with a slogan or a catchy phrase.
Write a Morning Assembly Speech on how Urbanization could take place without harming environment.
Good Morning!
We exclaim with delight when we see beautifully planned cities. Yet we forget the number of trees that have been removed to raise these skyscrapers. The need of the hour is to have planned urbanization keeping in mind its effect on the environment.
Urbanization is inevitable. With rapid industrialization and development, cities need to be planned with foresight and care. The lung spaces of the cities should be left untouched. Industries should be built outside the cities with proper facilities for disposal of waste. Satellite towns will help to prevent overcrowding of cities. Multistoried apartments and shopping complexes should provide for multi level car parks and every building should devote some space to a green patch.
To control noise and air pollution stringent measures should be taken. Vehicles should be put through regular pollution tests. Drivers should be penalized for honking loudly. Many areas should be declared silent zones. Loud speakers and playing of loud music in vehicles and public places should be banned.
Garbage should be collected regularly. It must be divided into different categories and disposed accordingly. Use of non-biodegradable plastics should be stopped eventually.
Car pools could be organized to ease traffic congestion. If there is awareness of the importance of the environment then there will be more co-operation amongst citizens. Building of flyovers could ease traffic congestion. Our school too can make a difference. Planting trees can become projects at school level for all classes.
A town planner's job is of great responsibility. It requires vision, insight and enterprise. Many of us present here could be potential, promising town planners so we should commit ourselves to building sensible, eco-friendly cities habitable for us and a blessing for our future generations.
An article is an essay that attempts to convince the reader about a point of view. It uses formal English language.
- Read the topic carefully and note down the key points.
- Do adequate rough work:
- a) Write down key points on which you will elaborate.
b) Analyze the given verbal stimulus/visual stimulus.
c) Make a note of some catch phrases that come to mind.
d) Group points together to make paragraphs.
- You are marked for content, fluency and accuracy. You lose marks for grammatical errors.
- Use simple formal language. Do not use slang words and short forms. Do not number the paragraphs.
- Give a heading.
- Write in at least 3 to 4 paragraphs.
- Underline key points in the article.
Sometimes the events of the day leave one with a sense of wonder or anger. An entry is made in the diary so that the day with its accompanying emotions may be remembered.
- Read the topic carefully and underline the key points.
- Do adequate rough work:
- a. Write down key points on which you will elaborate.
b. Analyze the given verbal stimulus/visual stimulus.
c. Make a note of some catch phrases that come to mind.
d. Group points together to make paragraphs.
- You are marked for style and fluency. You lose marks for grammatical errors.
- This is based on a given situation and the reaction to the situation.
a. Write the date and time on the top left corner of the page.
b. Identify the situation and describe it.
c. Give your emotions and feelings/reactions to the situation.
d. Answer in 4 to 5 paragraphs.
Given below is an extract from a student's diary based on the following key points. The paragraph has also been given a title.
Key points
In a holiday mood - rest and recreation - made for the canal with a friend - pleasant weather - swam for an hour - felt hungry - returned home - had a light breakfast - read newspapers and India Today - had a chit-chat with a cousin - we lunched together - enjoyed a short nap -went to see a Matinee show at Golcha - went for a stroll to Rajghat - returned home - took dinner - enjoyed a sound sleep - next morning woke up quite fresh and in high spirits.
An Unexpected Holiday
I had not done the Math homework today. Went to school with my heart in my mouth. Wonderful news - One of the school trustees has won an international award. So holiday was declared. Rohit and I decided to spend the day together. We had a cool swim for an hour in the canal near the mango trees. After a light breakfast I sat down to catch up with the news and 'India Today'. The articles on the Gujarat Quake were nerve wracking.
To my surprise Bhaiya came home for lunch. He insisted on taking us to a Govinda Starrer. So we saw a movie. A rare treat for me!
Evening, we just went for a long walk in Rajghat. I think these days we take a lot of pains to plan a holiday and it rarely works that way.
Today was like a Gift from God. I had the most wonderful time. The dinner was a fitting conclusion as we feasted on 'Chat' and 'Alu dum' and 'Parathas'. I'm sure tomorrow will be a great day too as I am very happy and in a joyous mood.
I promise I'll study tomorrow!
Good night Diary!
Formal Letter
A formal letter is a business letter used for writing letters on formal occasions.
B-3 and B-4 type questions in the question paper demand long essay-type answers. Both these questions need to be answered with care and adequate preparation.
- Read the 'Main Course Book' completely at least once so that you can be familiar with a wide range of subjects.
- Answer all the 'Reading' questions so that your power of comprehension and expression improves.
- Read the given question carefully and decide the content of your essay.
- Decide on what your target is:
(a) letter
(b) essay for school magazine
(c) report
(d) brochure
(e) speech
(f) article or description
Then use the suitable format.
- Write down points, which you can later expand into at least 3-4 sentences.
- Group these together to form 3 paragraphs.
- Underline important points/phrases in each paragraph.
- Use the format.
- Concentrate on the topic on hand.
- Write brief and precise letters. The student is not expected to use all the lines provided (in a formal letter).
- If the content is incorrect, no marks are awarded for format.
- Mention dates, amount and other specifications, relevant to the content of the letter very clearly.
- Underline key points.
In formal letters or official letters, you start with your name and address. Next comes the name and address of the person you address to. It is followed by a salutation - Dear Sir/Madam. Then comes the subject, which must contain the key points and not irrelevant details.
In the first paragraph itself, the subject must be discussed. The next two paragraphs can contain analysis of the problem followed by suggestions to overcome the problem. You complete the letter with a Thanking you and Yours faithfully.
The whole format of the letter should be in the left side of the page. No commas in the From, To, salutation or signing off. Punctuation marks to be observed in the content of the letter. No need to leave space to indicate the beginning of a Para. A little space between paragraphs is to be maintained.
You are marked for content, fluency and accuracy. If your format is wrong up to 2 marks can be deducted. In formal letters, the problem should be stated to other readers or concerned authorities. Appropriate style is to be maintained.
You have come across some advertisements regarding job opportunities abroad for people from the field of information technology. You are disturbed at this trend of professionals working abroad and decide to write a letter to the Editor of a National daily expressing your views.
Suggested answer:
The Editor
Indian Times
Dear sir
Subject: Migration of IT professionals
It is a matter of great shame and pity that so many of our professionals and intellectuals are making an exodus to other parts of the world in search of greener pastures. The reason for this brain drain are many. The high remunerations and the desire for better urban life is a distinct attraction. There is tremendous job satisfaction and intellectual freedom. Red tapism and politicking are relatively less in the West and this is conducive to professionals to work in a shackle-free environment. Political stability and better security are certainly reassuring factors. Yet questions need to be asked. Isn't it the duty of these professionals to give back something to the society, from which they have received so much.
Public funds are pumped into IITs. The returns of these investments are reaped abroad. Is it fair? Why are these professionals looking abroad when our economy offers so much. Heavy pay-packets are not uncommon. These IT professionals can afford a life style, which a few years ago was the privilege of a selected few. A good life-style with the status of a first-class citizen. What more can one ask for? Apart from this, they can also impart values to their children. Why then lead a life of rootlessness abroad?
These questions go unanswered. Our country faces serious loss as these professionals get lured by the glitter and glamour of the western world. Unless this trend is arrested, the possibility of our nation turning into a developed one will only remain a distant dream.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Recently you have read a newspaper report about how a tiger attacked a girl during a circus show in Calcutta. Write a letter to the Editor expressing your concern for the animals in the circus.
Suggested answer:
7, M.G.Road
The Editor
Times of India
Dear sir
Subject: Cruelty against animals
Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper I wish to share my views on the cruelty against animals. I was shocked to read a report in the newspaper about how a tiger attacked and killed a girl during the recent Circus Show. While my heart went out to the relatives of the dead girl I also thought about how helpless the creature felt.
We enjoy the circus shows yet fail to notice the pitiable plight of the animals there. Most of them are underfed and suffering from many diseases.
They are mercilessly beaten to perform in front of the spectators. The mighty roar of the jungle is a mere whimper amidst thundering applause from the spectators. The animals are kept in cages and in unhygienic conditions. Most of them are kept under heavy sedation. Just because these mute animals are unable to express their feelings, their condition is ignored. Living an imprisoned life, driven by hunger, they sometimes go out of control. The above case was a result of similar circumstances. The circus owner in order to escape the hands of the law has since been absconding.
It is a matter of utmost shame that no action is taken to free these animals from an existence of misery. Animals continue to pull overloaded carts and are mistreated. Domestic animals are used by man for his own needs and then left to die after their use is over.
I request the concerned authorities and the S.P.C.A. to take necessary action and release these animals from a life of suffering.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Gap Filling
Gap filling is a simple exercise in sentence completion. The student is expected to complete the given sentences with the help of information given in the hints, note etc. The student is not expected to add any information.
- Use the information in the order in which it is given.
- Reframe the given phrase to suit the sentence construction in the question.
- You may write more than one word in each blank.
Exercise - 1
Given below is some information on microprocessors. Based on the information, complete the report that follows. Do not add any new information.
- First made in the 1970s
- Popularized by Intel, with the Intel 8085
- Essential part of life
- A huge variety manufactured; now used in thousands of applications
- Becoming cheaper, faster and smaller
- Manufactured from silicon
The microprocessor chip of the 1970s became _________ after Intel introduced the 8085. Today, the microprocessor is _________ in thousands of applications and is ________ our daily existence. Microprocessors are becoming faster and prices are _______ rapidly. The silicon is the most popular _______ material, other materials are used as well.
popular, essential/used, part of, falling, raw
Exercise - 2
You need to give a talk on Jim Corbett in your class. You took the following notes from an encyclopedia. Using the notes, complete the biography of Jim Corbett.
Jim Corbett
- Born in 1875 at Nainital
- Joined the British Army during World War I
- Earned fame as a wildlife photographer and hunter of man eating tigers and leopards in India
- The first National Park in India named in his honour
- Also wrote books on his exploits
Born in India in 1875, Jim Corbett became _______ as a wild life photographer and for _______ down man eating tigers and leopards. To _______ him, the first National Park in India _______ after him. He was also the _______ of several books.
famous, hunting, honour, is named, author
Informal Letter
The informal letter is the most common method of written communication between friends or relatives.
- Read the topic carefully and underline the key points.
- Do adequate rough work:
- a. Write down key points on which you will elaborate.
b. Analyze the given verbal / visual stimulus.
c. Make a note of some catch phrases that come to mind.
d. Group points together to make paragraphs.
- You are marked for style and fluency. You lose marks for grammatical errors.
- Remember to use the format.
a. Begin with some pleasantries.
b. Elaborate on the given points in 1 or 2 paragraphs.
c. Conclude with regards and affection to the members of the family.
- Write in at least 3 to 4 paragraphs.
In informal letters there is no To address, Subject or Thanking you. Write your address to the top left with the date below it. You can end the letter informally with yours affectionately/yours lovingly/with love etc. Style can be informal.
The whole format of the letter should be to the left side of the page. No commas in the From, To, or salutation or signing off. Punctuation marks to be observed in the content of the letter. No indenting required i.e., there is no need to leave space to indicate the beginning of a paragraph. A little space between paragraphs is to be maintained.
You are marked for content, fluency and accuracy. If your format is wrong up to 2 marks can be deducted. In formal letters the problem should be stated to other readers or concerned authorities. Appropriate style is to be maintained.
You have recently visited the G.R.S. Water Park. Write a letter to your friend describing your experience in the Water Park.
Suggested answer:
8, Govindappa Road
Dear PQR
With your exams just completed I'm sure you're feeling on top of the world! How did you fare in the exams?
Last week we had gone on the school picnic to G.R.S. Water Park, Mysore. I am so thrilled with it that I would like to share my experiences with you.
Previously I had been to Appu Ghar in Delhi and Crazy Waters in Bangalore but this was certainly an experience! The entertainment park is huge and beautifully maintained. There were the usual rides like the Tora Tora, the Dashing cars and the Roller Coasters. After much hesitation and many persuasions I sat on the Giant wheel and when it went up I was literally on top of the world! Of course then came the exciting part, the Water games. The first was the Splash Train where a small train goes on a narrow track and midway you are caught in a shower of water! Next were the water slides. Excited cries rent the air as everybody held on tightly to the sides of the tubes and went down the water slides plunging into a pool of water.
There were a couple of anxious moments when Geeta fell off the tube into the pool and resurfaced gasping for breath! We ate a hearty lunch at the Poolside Restaurant after which we headed back to the pools!
It was really a thrilling experience. You should make a trip to Bangalore and we can experience it together. Give my regards to your parents and love to your sister.
Yours affectionately
Telegram is a concise and brief communication that is made with the help of the postal department. As charges are based on the number of words used, the 'Word Limit' is of primary importance.
Format of telegram
- The message has to be written in BLOCK LETTERS. All numbers, dates except flight numbers (like IC171) to be written in capital letters. No marks are awarded if this rule is not followed.
Word limit
- Word limit is important. The address of the addressee and sender's name are also included in the word limit. On exceeding the word limit, up to 2 marks can be deducted.
- Avoid using prepositions and articles without changing meaning. Sentences need not be grammatically complete.
- Do not use periods (.). Use STOP to show completion of one idea or instruction.
- Sender's address is not telegraphed.
Points to remember
- Do rough work.
- Underline key points in the question, sender's name, name of addressee and addressee's address.
- Give only necessary information like dates, train names, flight number etc.
- Do not add any extra information other than what is asked in the question.
- Reframe telegram in a rough space using the underlined key words. Keep in mind the allotted word limit.
- Do rough work.
- Underline key points in the question, sender's name, name of addressee and addressee's address.
- Give only necessary information like dates, train names, flight number etc.
- Do not add any extra information other than what is asked in the question.
- Reframe telegram in a rough space using the underlined key words. Keep in mind the alloted word limit.
Meena, who is in a boarding school has booked her ticket for May 20th, Rajdhani, for returning to Kharagpur for the summer holidays. She wants to write a telegram to her father informing him of her arrival and asking him to receive her at the station. Write the telegram for her. Do not exceed 30 words.
Address of the Adressee Name: Mr. Kumar
8, Mahatma Gandhi Road,
Telegraph office: Kharagpur |
Sender's name and address Meena
(Not to be telegraphed) B-3, Miranda House Hostel
New Delhi |
You are Akash Verma working in Wipro in Mumbai. You are to go home on leave on 1st March, 2004 but you are unable to do so. You have to leave for California immediately on urgent work. Send a telegram to your parents in Bhubaneshwar informing them that you will be coming after you return from California but you are not sure when. Write the telegram using not more than 30 words.
Address of the Adressee Name: S.M. Verma
7, Forest Park
Telegraph office: Bhubaneshwar |
Sender's name and address Akash
(Not to be telegraphed) Wipro office, Andheri,
Mumbai. |
You are Mr. Srivastava of 65, Safdarjung enclave, New Delhi. You had decided to visit Puri during the 4th week of April. You had booked two rooms in May Fair Hotel, Puri. On account of an urgent official tour, you have to change your tour programme to Puri. Now you will be reaching Puri on 1st May. Send a telegram to the Manager, intimating him about your changed programme and requesting him for a new booking for 3 rooms. You want to adjust the advance money sent earlier against the new booking. Draft your telegram in 25 words.
Address of the Adressee Name: Manager
May fair Hotel
Telegraph office: Puri |
Sender's name and address Srivastava
(Not to be telegraphed) 65, Safdarjung enclave,
New Delhi. |
Picture Composition in English
Picture composition is a part of unguided composition where the student is expected to write a paragraph, a story, a notice, a report or an essay based on the picture that is given. The student can interpret the picture and write according to his wish and will. It is important that the student takes a definite stand on the issue and explains the picture to the best possible extent.
The range of the picture and the gravity of the situation have to be considered while writing the essay. The essay should be written in 250 -300 words. The paragraph and the story within 200 words. The notice in 50 words and the report in 200 words.
Exercise on Picture Composition
1. a tree
2. a cigarette
3. a small family
4. books on a table
5. a car
6. an aero plane
7. a carpenter
8. a bicycle
9. football
10. mother
II. Write a story each on pictures of
1. a boy running behind a dog
2. a road accident
3. a rainy day
4. an elephant and a mahout walking
5. a celebration of a function
6. a boy teasing a girl
7. a doctor's clinic
8. boys throwing stones at a dog
9. a girl dancing
10.a boy helping a blind person cross the road
III. Write an essay each on the pictures of
1. the danger signal
2. a man felling a tree
3. a girl with burns on her body
4. a boy on the internet
5. a call centre office
6. a young child suckling
7. strike in front of the college
8. meeting between the presidents of two countries
9. a young student injecting himself/herself
10. students shouting in joy
IV. Prepare a notice each on the pictures given below
1. Sheets of paper lying around
2. a boy torturing another boy
3. gas cylinder kept in an unsafe position
4. kid showing disrespect to a blind person
5. boy helping an old lady cross the road
6. a car speeding by
7. a dairy farm
8. doctor performing an operation
9. blood donation
10.students studying for an examination
The word Composition brings to mind the language teacher with numerous topics at hand and the 'Composition period' in school. Fighting with thoughts would result in an original piece and in the end, a grade for the work done. If not, a hard spank with the scale and re-work. So, what exactly is a composition, and why is it written? How does composition help the student?
The Oxford Dictionary of English defines Composition as: The invention or the combination of the parts of any literary work or discourse, or of a work of art, as, the composition of a poem or a piece of music. Yet another definition is: The act of writing for practice in a language, as English, Latin, German, etc.
Students in the lower primary classes are trained into guided composition with the help of rearrangement of points of a story. The next stage is the development into writing the guided composition. This composition contains hints that help the students to develop the points given, into a piece of literature. This composition could be a paragraph, a short story, a letter or a poem written in a few words. Hence, this is the shorter form of composition. Later on, the student is left to develop the longer form of composition - an essay or a report and this is called unguided composition. It is left to the imagination of the student to develop own points based on the topic that is given.
The practice of writing composition help the student to improve grammar and vocabulary. The writing skills of the students can be honed through deliberate efforts by both parents as well as teachers. To be a good writer is to master the writing skills of a language. A good writer has every chance of taking up this skill as a profession. The student should make good opportunity of the chances that are available to him to develop writing skills.
Composition Topics
1.Write an essay on Visit to my Grandparents in 200 words
2. Write an essay on your experiences on the first day of your joining the college in 200 words.
3.Write an essay on a one day trip to your favorite place in 200 words.
4. Write an essay on Preservation of Wild Life in 250 - 300 words.
5. Write an essay on Martin Luther King Jr. as a Social Reformer in 250 - 300 words.
6. Write an essay on E-learning in 250 - 300 words.
7. Write an essay on Communicative English in 250 words.
8. Write an essay on The Importance of Exercise in 250 - 300 words.
Writing Essays
Introduction to writing essays
An essay is a written composition which is used to express one’s own personal ideas on a topic. As per “The Concise Oxford dictionary” essay is defined as a “literary composition on any subject”. A good essay is presented in an attractive way and it holds the reader’s attention. To make an essay readable and enjoyable it .
Tips for Writing Good Essays
First, one should practice the art of essay writing. A piece of writing brings out the writer’s personality and his knowledge. One must study the best essays and try to write like the sample copy. Secondly, a good essay should concentrate in its subject matter and its language. A writer tries to put his views and ideas in his writing. His ideas should be put into words and put them in a structured way. He should concentrate on the language which makes his writing attractive and readable. Essay should be written in simple English, and short sentences. It should be brief and clear, and bring out the main idea of the essay. Essay writing is an art which turns old to be beautiful by continuous practice.
Writing Outline for Essays
An essay should have a proper structure. All types of essays follow the basic structures, a beginning (Introduction), a body (which contains the main idea) and the conclusion.
Introduction: - An essay should have a good beginning. It can begin with a quotation or depending on the subject it may begin with a definition. The thesis statement is important in an essay which gives the main idea of the essay. The thesis statement should be strong and effective.
Body: - The body of the essay contains its main points, arguments, examples, illustrations etc. A good deal of planning and preparation is important in writing the body of an essay. It can be brought out in form of small paragraphs which revolves around one main idea each. Every paragraph should have unity. The writer should concentrate on the language and the style of writing.
The Conclusion: - Conclusion differs according to the type of essay. A good conclusion is important which proves that your writing is good and impressive.
Writing Paragraphs
A paragraph is a group of sentence related to one topic or developing one point. These sentences are closely related to one topic or developing one point. These sentences are closely related in meaning and are arranges in a systematic manner. A paragraph may stand independently, that is ,it may be a short composition complete in itself or it may be apart of longer composition like an essay. The essential features of a good paragraph are:unity,coherence,emphasis and variety.
Points to Remember while Writing a Paragraph
Unity: Unity means that a paragraph should deal with only one central theme, one central thought. Since a paragraph is only a short composition, unity of thought is very important to it. We can achieve unity by stating the theme of the paragraph in a sentence right in the beginning. We may call this sentence the topic sentence. For example our opening sentence may be: Richard is the funniest boy I have ever known. In the rest of the paragraph I have show how Richard is a funny boy.
Coherence: Coherence means that all the sentences in a paragraph should be well connected to each other as to central theme. It suggests that each sentence should naturally follow the previous sentence and should naturally lead to the next one. If we write in a systematic manner, we should be able to achieve coherence.
Emphasis: We may be including in our paragraph a few ideas or a few events related to the central theme. These ideas or events cannot be equally important. Some of them will be more important than the others. Emphasis means that we should give each idea or event as much importance as it deserves in relation to the central theme.
Variety: When we talk of variety in a paragraph, it is not variety in the theme. We have already seen that a paragraph deals with only one theme. There should be variety in sentence construction so that the paragraph does not become dull.
If you have to Write a Paragraph on a Given Subject, you can Proceed as Follows:
1. Think about the subject given to you and jot down all the points as they come to your mind. See that all the points are strictly related to the subject.
2. Arrange these points in a systematic manner.
3.If you think it is proper, begin your paragraph with a topic sentence suggesting the central theme.
4.Develop your subject in well-connected sentences.
5.Give variety to your sentence. They should not be all too long or all too short. They should have different patterns.
6. The last sentence of your paragraph should give you the impression that you clearly said all that you wanted to say. Try to make last sentences as impressive as you can.
7. If a word limit is given for your paragraph, do not exceed it.
How to Write Effectively?
The notion that "good writers are born, not made", is a widespread myth that may make you feel defeated before you start. But the simple truth is that good writers are made, simply because effective writing is a skill that can be learnt.
No one is born a tennis star. You first learn the basic rules and movements and then go out on the court to practice. No one's tennis will improve if he or she stays off the court. Similarly you must write regularly and receive a feedback to improve your composition skills.
What is Effective Writing
Introduction to effective writing
There is no sure fire recipe for effective writing, at the same time a person who writes more often can give a few guide lines how to write effectively. We all know that mastery over a language itself is an art and that art has two branches which are its spoken form and written form. Some people are good at the spoken form of a particular language and some are comfortable with the written form of it. There are quite a few people who can speak and write a language very effectively. The first ever step towards writing effectively is to formulate a clear cut thesis in the introductory passage itself. Once a thesis is written half the battle is won. After deciding the thesis your next step toward effective writing would be to have a hook or an attention grabber in your introduction which will entice people into reading your research essay or article.
What are the Techniques Adopted for Effective Writing
There has always been a debate as to what kind of language should be used for effective writing. Some people believe that the language used should be high flown. But there are some good writers who prefer to write in a simple lucid language. The main aim of writing is to make people read and understand our ideas. If we are going to use high profile words and use language that is difficult for common person to understand then the whole purpose will be defeated. Nobody wants to read an article with a Thesaurus or Dictionary in hand. Simple yet powerful words are the key to effective writing.
Next idea that you should bear in mind for effective writing is the length of the essay or the article you write. Bacon the master essayist of English literature has aptly said “brevity is the soul of wit” and how true he is. Especially in this fast world no body has the patience to read unwanted lengthy articles. Short and pithy sentences are the soul of effective writing. The next tip to effective writing is to stick to your point and not to come out with irrelevant points which have no reference to the key point.
An integral part of effective writing is to split your essay or article into paragraphs and that too small paragraph which would make easy and interesting reading. Lengthy paragraphs generally discourage a person from reading your essay. Every paragraph must contain a point and that point should be justified with suitable examples. This quality is very essential for effective writing.
Effective Writing - Conclusion
Finally a good conclusion is a must for a good essay. Introduction and conclusion generally overlap each other. In the introduction the main point in the essay is introduced and in the conclusion we will reinstate what had already been said in the introduction. Just like introduction becomes good with the thesis and a hook a good conclusion becomes attractive with a relevant quotation. So we see that simple language, right use of adjectives, powerful introduction, meaningful body paragraphs and a strong conclusion are the hints to effective writing.
Focused Free Writing
Write for five minutes as fast as you can, but this time stick to one subject may be the given subject -say sports. Do not worry about spelling, punctuation or even complete sentences. Do not change the topic.
It will let you see what material you have and will help you figure out what aspect of the subject (what topic) you have to write about.
Getting started is always the hardest part. You could try some of these other 'pump-primer' techniques.
Essay Topics Classification
Introduction to essays:
An essay is a composition containing an expression of one's opinions or ideas on a subject. Before you begin to write your essay, the process of selection and arrangement of material should be completed.
Essay Topics Classification - Steps to Writing Essays
Collection of Material: Your first task is to collect the material. When you have collected a good store of ideas, the next step is to take arrange them. Take care that your ideas should not be repeated.
Arrangement of material: The next step involves the arrangement of ideas and facts in logical manner, according to a definite plan. You will find that your ideas fall into the certain divisions. Each division is called a paragraph.
Outline: Before beginning to write an essay, make a brief outline of the main heads, under which you arrange your ideas. Arrange the ideas you have collected under each head. In this way, all those ideas which are not necessary for your subject will be excluded. Take care that each thought belongs to the head under which it is placed.
Paragraphs: Divide your essay into paragraphs. Give one paragraph to each heading. But they should be associated to one another. Keep to the point. Each detail should appear in its right place.
Essays can be classified into Narrative, Descriptive, Reflective, Expository, and Imaginative essays.
1. Narrative Essays: A narrative essay is the narration of some event, or series of events. Narrative compositions may be on following subjects:
(i) Incidents (e.g. a street quarrel)
(ii) An accident or a natural disaster (e.g. a flood, an earthquake),
(iii) A journey or a voyage (Like, a train journey, A journey to a far off place)
(iii) Biographies (e.g. Life of Asoka, Biography of Mahatma Gandhi, An autobiography of a coin ) etc.
2. Descriptive Essays: A descriptive essay consists of the description of some person, place or thing. Descriptive compositions may be on such subjects as the following:-
(i) Animals, plants, fruits, minerals, metals, towns, ports, ships, buildings. manufactured articles etc.
(ii) Aspects and phenomenon of nature (e.g. volcanoes)
(iii) Character- sketches (e.g. a postman, a teacher, a doctor etc)
(iv) Description of a favorite book.
3. Reflective Essays: A reflective essay consists of thoughts on some topic which is generally of an abstract nature.E.g
(i) Habits, qualities, feelings, capacities (e.g. punctuality, patriotism, discipline etc)
(ii) Social, political and domestic topics (e.g. caste system, unemployment, child marriage etc)
4. Expository Essay: An expository essay is an explanatory essay.
(i) Institutions, industries (e.g photography)
(ii) Scientific and Literary topics
(iii) Quotations or Sayings (e.g. 'Time is Money', 'union is Strength)
5. Imaginative Essays: It is a free imagination of someone.
E.g. 'If I were a Millionaire', 'If I were the Prime Minister' etc.
Types of Paragraph Writing
Introduction to types of paragraph writing
A well developed paragraph is a focused presentation of a single unit of thought. Based on the style of writing there are seven different types of paragraphs.
- narration
- description
- definition
- comparison
- persuasion
- exposition
- process analysis
Paragraphs written as a narration are a chronological presentation of events that add up to a story. Paragraphs of this type contain characters, setting, conflict and resolution.
Descriptive type of paragraphs are written in such a way that the reader is able to imagine the scene, object, person, etc. Series of detailed observations are recorded, using sensory language. Descriptions are like narrative paragraphs, with visual characteristics unfolding in a dramatized way. The main objective of a description is to move the story ahead.
Definition type of paragraphs, provide the meaning, using events and happenings. A strong effort should be made to clearly explain what something is, and not what it is not.
The objective of paragraphs written in comparison style is to compare, two or more objects, characters, events etc. A chart can be prepared before writing a comparison paragraph. This chart could include the names of the items compared, and the criteria by which they are compared.
This type of paragraph is used in editorials and columns. A direct approach is the best in writing a persuasive paragraph. The objective of a persuasive paragraph is to persuade people to change their minds, or take action. Persuasive paragraphs help people formulate an opinion and deepen it, by adding conviction.
Expository paragraphs are explanatory in nature. They could be an important part of a description or narration. Credibility should be added in an expository paragraph, by citing authorities that have good credentials. This type of paragraph, could also be a justifier that explains why something is important.
Process analysis
A process analysis paragraph describes how a process happens, through a series of actions. The actions are put in a sequence. This type of paragraphs are usually followed by illustration, as they help in understanding the process better.
5 Paragraph Essay
Five Paragraph Essay is the most renowned format of essay writing. It stands as the most useful model not only to express your ideas in the form of an essay, but as an easier format to remember and to execute in your writing. Further, Five Paragraph Essay stands as the most suitable format for the novices, who aspire to polish their composition skills.
Structure of 5 paragraph essay:
An introduction is the gateway to one’s understanding of the main theme and purpose of the work. Hence, an introduction must include a strong thesis that presents with precise terms the core theme and purpose of the work. An introduction must succeed in aiding the readers comprehend the focus of the essay. An introduction must have the following aspects.
- Hook Line – A quote, proverb or an abrupt question that would provoke the curiosity of the readers
- Thesis Statement – A sentence that would employ precise terms to communicate the central idea of the work
- General Outline – A general reference to the evidences that would be employed to strengthen the thesis
Body Paragraphs:
Five Paragraph Essay includes three strong evidences in support of the nub of the essay. Each evidence finds an elaborate expression in distinct body paragraphs. However, each body paragraph needs to be interlaced that the theme of the essay runs through the work as a single thread. Every body paragraph must include the following aspects;
- Topic Statement – A sentence that explains the nature and the source of the evidence
- Supporting Details – Ample additional information to present the evidence in the most exclusive manner to convince the readers.
- Transition – A sentence that functions as a link between this passage and the one that follows
Conclusion Paragraph:
A conclusion is the final yet important constituent of a Five Paragraph Essay. The conclusion has the responsibility to anchor the theme and focus of the work deep in the minds of the readers. A conclusion must succeed in offering an emphatic recap of the core theme and purpose of the work.
The conclusion sentence differs according to the subject and the writer. The conclusion may give a moral or a lesson. Therefore conclusion is very important for writing. A good ending is as important as a good beginning.
Guidelines for a good conclusion:
- A conclusion needs to be just a summary of the key ideas, discussed in the work
- No new idea that was not previously discussed should be introduced in the conclusion
- A conclusion should not be marred by repetition. It recaps the essence of the work and does not merely repeat ideas
- The conclusion should have a unity with the other paragraphs.
- There should be a smooth transition between the last paragraph and the conclusion Paragraph.
- It should be very interesting, where the reader is satisfied and accepts the information given in the writing.
- The Conclusion paragraph should not be a summary of the whole passage, repetition of ideas may not hold the attraction of the reader.
- The conclusion should bring out the thesis statement and leave the reader with an interesting thought and persuade him to read further.
- The conclusion sentence must be a complete one that basically ends the essay, do not leave the essay incomplete which would leave an impression to the reader that you were not able to conclude the essay.
- Using the title in the conclusion sentence will add more to the essay.
- Proverbs and quotes can also be used in the conclusion.
- The conclusion sentence must be readers centric, whatever a writer writes, should be accepted by the reader.
- More information should not be added in the conclusion paragraph.
Q: We shall first see what is a paragraph?
A paragraph is a group of sentences which is written to develop a main theme. If we are writing an essay, the paragraph holds the main topic of the essay. It is the main part of the essay which presents the arguments which make the essay effective.
The main points to be kept in mind while formatting an essay paragraph are
- Topic sentence
- Supporting sentences
- Concluding sentence
Q2: What is a topic sentence?
A topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph. It introduces the central idea of the paragraph. It keeps the essay focused on the main idea of the essay and revolves around the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph
Q3: What are supporting details?
They give details to develop and support the central idea of the paragraph. It contains supporting facts, authentic statistical details, and examples.
Q4: What is a concluding sentence?
A concluding sentence is the last sentence in a paragraph. It reiterates the central idea of the paragraph.
Learning Essays Homework
Introduction to learning essays homework:
An essay is a written composition containing an expression of one's personal opinions or ideas on a subject. The process of selection and arrangement must always be completed, before you begin to write your essay.
Collection of Material: Your first task is to collect your material. When you have collected a good store of ideas your next task is to take stock of them. Take care that none of your ideas are repeated.
Arrangement of material: The next step is to arrange your stock of ideas and facts in logical order, according to a definite plan. You Will find that your ideas will fall into certain divisions. Each of these divisions will form a paragraph.
Outline: Before beginning to write an essay, you should make a brief outline of the main heads, under which you will arrange your ideas. Arrange under each main head the ideas you have collected. In this way, you will be able to exclude all those ideas which are not necessary for your subject. Take care that each thought really belongs to the head under which it is placed.
Paragraphs: Divide your essay into paragraphs. Give one paragraph to each heading. But they should be related to one another, according to the direction of your plan. Keep to your point. See that each detail appears in its right place.
Parts of the Essay
An essay is generally divided into three parts:-
1. The Introduction 2. The Body 3. The Conclusion
1. The Introduction: In a short essay, this should be very brief. It should not be bigger than the body of the essay itself. It generally consists of a very short paragraph. But it should always be very interesting. The introduction consists of a definition or explanation of the title. Sometimes it consists of a very brief story or some general remark relating to the given subject.
2. The Body: This is the main part of the essay. It consists of the facts, illustrations, reflections of the writer on the given subject. Here you should follow closely your outline. The paragraphs should be well constructed. The proper connection between one paragraph and another should be shown. Keep to the point.
3. The Conclusion: The Ending, like the Beginning, should be short and striking. It should be natural. See that your essay does not come to an end abruptly. A simple sentence, sometimes, if expressed properly, will make a good ending. A good way to conclude an essay is to give a shot summary of the ideas contained in the middle part of the essay. As a writer says: 'The last sentence, above all, should be pleasing both to the mind and to the ear'.
Classification of Essays
Essays may be divided into Narrative, Descriptive, Reflective, Expository, and Imaginative essays.
Hints on Essay Writing
Bear in mind the following rules
1. Do not start writing at once.
2. Set down the various ideas that come to you.
3. Select your ideas carefully.
4. Stick to these points.
5. Arrange your ideas.
6. Divide your essay into paragraphs.
7. Divide your essay into three parts - the Introduction, the Body, and the Conclusion.
8. Use simple words and short sentences.
9. Be clear as well as brief.
10. Be interesting as well as to the point.
11. Revise carefully what you have written. Correct all mistakes in spelling, capital letters, grammar, punctuation, etc.
The style in which the essay is to be written is the most important. The following points should be carefully attended to:-
1. Take great care to select only such words and phrases which express the ideas that you have in mind.
2. Frame your sentences in such a way that they are short, clear and simple.
3. Avoid the use of unnecessary words.
4. Do not use a word or phrase which you do not understand.
5. Be clear in what you write.
6. Be direct, simple, brief and natural.
Self Introduction Essay Example
Introduction to self introduction essay
From the early school days, the students are asked to write about 'Myself'. It is a simple name given for 'Self -introduction'. Through this essay, one is expected to explain all about oneself- about one's own character[one's strength and weakness], family background, members of the family, and all the other details which one thinks are indispensable in the making of one's identity. But a student of the primary class is not expected to write all these details. He or she needs to explain only the physical features- his or her name, family background, and the class and the school to which one belongs.
Given below is an example for a self introduction essay:
Hailing from an upper middle class Christian family in India, I am the youngest member in the family. Though my real name is Joseph, I am called 'Josey' by all the members in the family. My elder brother is working as a software professional in UK .My mother , being a house wife, stays close to the family and is ready to respond to each and every call made by the others in the family. My father, who is a businessman, is a rough and tough person. Describing myself, I am a literature graduate from JNU. Thereby I have made it clear that I am the only one in the family[my mother also perhaps] who has an emotional and creative mind.
Soon after my 10th grade, I selected literature as my subject . Because I knew that I was interested only in that subject. Though there was a lot of hue and cry , I managed to pursue my studies. But now everyone in the family has wholeheartedly accepted me as a lover of literature. I can confidently say that creative writing is my strength. Whereas my weakness is my most sensitive heart. I feel miserable when anyone is against me. I hope to overcome my weakness and concentrate on my strength in future. Since my ambition is to be a well known writer, I have to get this hope fulfilled.
- Major Features to be Included
There are certain major things you have to notice when you introduce yourself. Self introduction of course means a description of the kind of person you are. But it does not mean that you have to write a funny or tragic story about yourself. Neither should it be a detached, monotonous essay filled with the dry facts about your life. Whereas it must be an effective rendering of yourself from your own point of view, filtering the profusion of emotions and sentiments. In result, it comes out as a perfect product of objectivity with a slightly subjective touch.